이어도저널 제1호_영문(2011) > 이어도 저널

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            이어도저널 제1호_영문(2011)

            페이지 정보

            작성자 최고관리자
            댓글 0건 조회 832회 작성일 11-05-30 15:58



            이어도저널 제1호 _영문


            [Special Issues] Awareness and prospect of Ieodo

            - Jeju Seamen's Ieodo: From Myth to Reality (Song Sung-dae and Koh Choong-suk)
            - Japan's Okinodorishima: A Silly but Valuable Lesson to Korea( Kim Byung-ryull )
            - The Views of International Papers Related to 'Ieodo' (Kim Hi-youl)
            - Geological Characterisitics around Ieodo and Maritime Boundary (Kim Young-Gil)
            - A Study on Finsh Fauna and Resources near Ieodo (Choon-Bok Song, Song-Hun Han)
            - Importance of the Ieodo Ocean Research Station in Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences( Il- Ju Moon, Kwan-chang Lim, Jae-seol shim Il-Ju Moon, Kwan Chang Lim, J)
            - Analysis and application of meteorological data observed in Ieodo Ocean Station (Dong-In Lee)
            - A New Resolution for Territorial Disputes of Rocks and Islets : Closeness (Yearn Hong Choi)



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