이어도저널 제2호_영문(2012) > 이어도 저널

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            이어도저널 제2호_영문(2012)

            페이지 정보

            작성자 최고관리자
            댓글 0건 조회 848회 작성일 12-11-30 16:00



            이어도저널 제2호_영문

            • <목차>


            • - Ieodo (Jon Vandyke)

            - Submerged Geographical Fetures in the East and South China Seas An Analysis of the Chinese Claimes from the Perspective o    of the Law of the Sea (Yann-huei Song)

            - The South China Sea Recent Developments and Implications for Regional Security (Tran Truong Thuy)

            - The South China Sea Dispute Rising Tensions in Dangerous Grounds (Ian Storey) 

            - Islands and maritime claims in the South China Sea Illusions of or International Dilution of International Law (Dr Nguyen Thi Lan   Anh) 

            - Ieodo, A Growing Legend Review of Ieodo (Song, Sang-il)

            - New Resoultion for Submerged Rocks and Islets Geographic Proximity (Yearn Hong Ghoi)

            - Ieodo, UNCLOS Regime and International Relations (Byeong Cheol Kang)



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